What is The Emotion Code?

"The Emotion Code™ is an energy healing technique that helps us to identify and literally release Trapped Emotions which are negative emotional energies from distressing past events. We believe Trapped Emotions may cause people to feel sad or anxious, and could even block people from love and happiness and make them feel disconnected from others. And because Trapped Emotions are made of energy, just like the rest of the body, they can exert an influence on physical tissues, potentially leading to acute discomfort and even illness. By releasing Trapped Emotions, we can make conditions right for the body to recover — so physical and emotional difficulties often disappear or become much more manageable."

~Dr. Bradley Nelson Creator of the Emotion Code

Release Trapped Emotions that are Holding you Back from your True Potential

"The Emotion Code™ is an energy healing technique that helps us to identify and literally release Trapped Emotions which are negative emotional energies from distressing past events. We believe Trapped Emotions may cause people to feel sad or anxious, and could even block people from love and happiness and make them feel disconnected from others. And because Trapped Emotions are made of energy, just like the rest of the body, they can exert an influence on physical tissues, potentially leading to acute discomfort and even illness. By releasing Trapped Emotions, we can make conditions right for the body to recover — so physical and emotional difficulties often disappear or become much more manageable."

The Heart Wall

Dr Brad explains that during times of emotional distress, your emotional heart can feel really hurt; this is where the words "heartache" and "heartbreak" come from. This may prompt your body to put up a form of protection, or a "wall" around the heart to keep it safe from further harm — but you can't build a wall of nothing, right?

He believes that the "building materials" of a Heart-Wall are the most common excess energies in the body; Trapped Emotions. The problem is that the Heart-Wall doesn't dissolve on its own, even if you don't need it anymore. Think of living with a Heart-Wall as living in a bomb shelter; it's necessary short-term to protect you while the "bombs" are falling, but if you continue to "live" in there you'll likely feel sad, disconnected, frustrated, and you could even end up with more problems down the road.

The good news is that the Heart-Wall can be removed, one emotion at a time. This can free you to live from your heart, create abundance, and find true love. And isn't that what life is all about?

By clearing your Heart-Wall today, it could make all the difference in the world! It is believed that 93% of people have a Heart-Wall. Maybe it's no wonder that the #1 killer in the US (and several other Western countries) is heart disease! So we do our part to bring all those Heart-Walls down!

How can you tell if you have a Heart Wall?

  • Blocks your ability to give and receive love.

  • Your love language is distorted and it can cause depression and numbness

  • You don't have financial abundance.

  • You haven't figured out what your divine purpose is.